Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How the scientific method is illustrated by the development of the Essay

How the scientific method is illustrated by the development of the atomic model - Essay ExampleNevertheless, atomic model is an important concept that helps in illustrating a scientific method. Take for example it is very easy to illustrate the stoichiometric process, by the engage of atoms, as opposed to the use of absolute mass. Take for instance it is easier to explain that 2 atoms of Hydrogen, when they are join with 2 atoms of Chlorine, will make for 2 molecules of hydrogen chloride (McLean, 17).This is as opposed to saying, 2 grams of hydrogen, when they are reacting with 70.9 grams of chlorine, would form 72.9 grams of hydrogen chloride. Because the use of atomic model was easier to illustrate the scientific methods of inquiry, majority of chemists began using the concepts of atomic system (Stewart, 22). The acceptance of this theory further grew, when scientists began using it in explaining a variety of issues, including the structure of molecules, in the field of battle of organic chemistry, to the movement and spacing of molecules, in the field of gas physics. All these are scientific methods and processes apply that are illustrated by the atomic scientific model (Stewart,

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